Chances are, most of your customers will possess at least one wall - it might be holding up their office, staff room or keeping their loo private.
They're probably a bit bored of looking at the magnolia, so you could be doing them a big favour by sending them a fancy, full colour Wallplanner to add a splash of colour. Our Wallplanners have the whole year displayed at once. Choose from A3, A2 or a Super A1 "Big Boy". Remember, the bigger the Wallplanner the more space it'll demand on the wall. Whoever said size doesn't matter was clearly a Larry Liar. |
Middlesbrough Printing.com
Unit 2G, Brighouse Business Village, Brighouse Road, Middlesbrough, TS2 1RT T: 01642 804535 E: [email protected] Middlesbrough Printing.com is registered in England and Wales under licence. VIA CREATIVE DESIGN & PRINT LIMITED. Registered in England. No. 5164910. Registered Address: Unit 2G, Brighouse Business Village, Brighouse Road, Middlesbrough, TS2 1RT VAT Registration No.: GB 847 8229 85 |